Group psychotherapy

A therapy group having a discussion

The group psychotherapy space creates a supportive environment for group members to explore who they are in relation to others –with family, with friends,  and in work situations, bringing new perspectives and the chance to heal old wounds.

The group follows the group analytic tradition whereby the therapy is offered in the group, of the group, and by the group. Human beings are fundamentally social. Thus the group is the primary unit of consideration, and the so called inner processes in the individual are internalisations of the forces in operation in the groups to which the individual belongs. In action this means including the context and all its implications when considering an issue. Most group members will have some experience of any issue presented by another group member and these different perceptions and experiences can offer insight and a new experience of a presented problem.

Presented by: Margot Solomon
Location: Auckland
Time and Date: 5:50pm – 7:20pm Monday evenings
Price: $75 (incl. GST)
Margot Solomon
About Margot Solomon
Dr Margot Solomon has been conducting groups since 1984. She is a member of the Association of Psychotherapists Aotearoa New Zealand (APANZ), the Australian Association of Group Psychotherapy (AAGP), Group Analytic Society International (GASi), and International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP). Margot has been teaching Group Psychotherapy since 1997, initially at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) where she worked for 26 years as a lecturer and more recently through the AAGP where she has been the training coordinator.

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