Partnerships in play

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Welcome to a highly experiential and playful workshop in which Psychodrama and Physical Theatre will dance together to provide a unique experience of emotional awareness and embodied spontaneity. The focus of the group will be on relationships and partnerships.

The workshop is open to anyone wishing to engage in a quest of personal awareness and emotional awakening through role playing and theatrical games, within the context of a psychodrama group.

Theatre practitioners who are interested in a therapeutic process that includes play and theatricality, and that can be as deeply healing as fundamentally fun.
Teachers, educators, therapists, psychotherapists, psychodramatists, drama-therapists and any one active in the field of healing who is interested in exploring psychology using a theatrical paradigm based on embodiment, play and fun.
Individuals who are already engaged in any theatrical or therapeutic process.
Couples, colleagues, team or family members who wish to explore their relationship patterns.

Amplifying the theatrical play of the roles in our life often brings humour into the personal process. Playing a problematic role of our personality deepens the somatic experience, sometimes bringing the role to its grotesque nature, when we can fully realise the depth and intensity of their urgencies as well as their intrinsic paradoxes.

If you wish to learn more about the workshop and the application process, please check out my website:

Presented by: Zsófi Kigyóssy and Giovanni Fusetti
Location: Auckland
Time and Date: 20-23 February 2025
Price: $850 (incl. GST)
About Zsófi Kigyóssy and Giovanni Fusetti
Zsófi Kígyóssy is a Board Certified Psychodramatist, Sociometrist and Group Therapist trained in Hungary and the USA, a registered Psychodramatist with AANZPA and Psychotherapist with PBANZ in NZ. Giovanni Fusetti is an Italian multi-disciplinary fool. Natural Scientist, Theatre Artist and Pedagogue, trained in Gestalt Therapy, working internationally as a teacher, director and process facilitator, exploring theatre as a tool for artistic education, healing, personal awareness and political awakening.

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