Reading group


I’m a psychotherapist with 12 years’ experience and I’m
offering a reading group for new-graduate
psychotherapists who are up to 2 years post-graduation
and who are interested in thinking together about various
psychodynamic papers. If you’re interested, please
contact me for more information.

Frequency: Fortnightly meetings with breaks that match
school terms
Meeting dates: Alternate Wednesdays 8.30-10am
Location: Dominion Road, Mt Eden
Cost: $60 per session
Contact: Pautia Crowe
[email protected]

Presented by: Pautia Crowe
Location: Auckland
Time and Date: Alternate Wednesdays 8:30am-10am
Price: $60 (incl. GST)
About Pautia Crowe
I'm passionate about psychotherapy both in terms of the theory of the mind and also the healing and growth that I see in the room. I have particular interests in psychodynamic psychotherapy, Jungian analysis, and psychodrama. I have experience in the public and private sectors and I've worked at Tupu Ora Regional Eating Disorders Service and HELP Auckland: Support for survivors of sexual abuse. I also have experience at Segar House where I worked with individuals and groups with complex trauma. Before studying psychotherapy I worked as a nurse.

Group Enquiry

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