Group psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy where one or more psychotherapists treat people within a group setting. The group context and process is used as the mechanism for change. It is through the development, interaction, exploration and examination of the group, facilitated by the therapist/s, that understanding, self-awareness, and an ability to improve the individual's situation occurs. The group itself creates at its core something individual and special; both greater and unique to the clients comprising the group. It is this centre of transformative power which aids the healing processes of the group members. Group psychotherapy is effective at least in part because forming relationships and being social are an essential aspect of human nature.
The Australian Association of Group Psychotherapists, as both citizens and professionals, supports the proposed constitutional change known as the Voice to Parliament. The Association’s aims, body of theory built over seventy years, training and professional practice align with the principles behind ‘The Voice’. We believe that through talking and thinking together people can inform and educate one another, and come to decisions that enhance the well being of all.